We cannot achieve sustainable development without peace, justice, human rights and effective governance.
We cannot achieve sustainable development without peace, justice, human rights and effective governance.
Although often overlooked, forests represent a fundamental asset in the effort to address Goal 15, “Life on Land”.
World leaders must work to protect marine species and support the people who depend on oceans.
Through education, innovation and commitment to the achievement of SDGs, we can make the needed changes to protect the planet and prevent catastrophic effects.
Everyone can do something in the daily routine to make the difference.
With more people moving to urban areas every year, SDG 11 proves to be imperative to the achievement of the UN 2030 Agenda.
As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.
Investment in infrastructure and technological development are crucial to promote future sustainable development.
Decent work and productive employment are key elements to reduce hunger and poverty, as well as to bring peace to the world.
Additional efforts are essential in ensuring progress toward not only SDG7 but also climate mitigation. SDG7 and SDG13 are indeed closely related.
Clean water access and safe sanitation facilities are basic human needs and they are essential for human health, wellbeing and prosperity.
“By denying women equal rights, we deny half the population a chance to live life at its fullest. It is a tremendous waste of the world’s human potential”.
Education is not just a fundamental human right, but also an indispensable opportunity to achieve self-realization, sustainable economic development and gender equality.
Steps should be taken to reduce the gap between developed and poor countries. Substantial differences between the world’s nations persist.
A world with zero hunger could have a positive impact on our health, education, equality and social development.
When asked what they can rely on in 20 years, millennials’ top response was their savings account.
Millennials will make up 50 percent of the labor market just two years from now.
Having access to technology, social media and knowledge in general is a great way to share ideas worldwide and foster innovation.
The world is at a critical time in its history, where we are witnessing the highest level of human suffering since World War II.