Palestinian Boy Left Bleeding to Death While Israeli Civilians Insult Him
On Monday, Oct. 12, a 15-year-old Palestinian child, identified as Hasan Khaled Manasra, was left bleeding to death with broken legs after being attacked by Israeli civilians, the World Bulletin reported. The tragedy occurred in Pisgat Zeev, a neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem.
The Israeli police involved claimed that the boy and his cousin stabbed two settlers, although officials presented no evidence to connect the two youngsters with the crime that they allegedly committed.
As he was lying on the ground, the group of Israelis surrounding him shouted in a mix of Arabic and Hebrew, “Die, you son of a whore!” while telling the police to “Do him a favor, and shoot him in the head!” The Israeli police did not shoot him, but left him bleeding and when the boy lifted his head the police officers kicked him back down until he bled to death.
Many of the Youtube videos recounting the incident were removed in accordance with the video-streaming website's policy of banning shocking and disgusting material.